If it’s been a long time since you’ve been to church, or you've never been, River Hills has you in mind. Come as you are. Don’t worry about what you are wearing. You will be comfortable and among friends. You will experience upbeat music and relevant messages that help you grow in your relationship with God and deal with everyday, real world issues.

You can expect a relaxed environment. Be assured you won’t be asked to say anything, do anything, or give anything, unless you want to. We begin with contemporary Christian music for the first 25 minutes or so. We break for a few minutes to dismiss the kids (through 5th grade) for KidZone and for the rest of us to greet each other and re-fill our beverages. During the final half of the service we focus on gaining greater understanding of a portion of the Bible and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in today’s world.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What should I wear?
A. Feel free to dress casually! We have a casual environment.
Q. How long do the services last?
A. About 75 minutes.
Q. I’ve never been to a church – what’s this church going to be like?
A. Think of going to a smaller venue concert or comedy club – only the content is a lot more meaningful! Some people have described it as a big family reunion where people are happy to see each other.
Q. What about my kids?
A. We offer a safe place with engaging teaching for kids through 5th grade called KidZone during our 9:30 service. Families are together for the music portion of the service, and then kids are released to their classes. If you come to the early service, children remain with their parents.
Q. How can I get involved?
A. Send an email to serve@riverhillschurch.org. You will automatically receive a reply with our servant assessment link. Click the link and take the survey.
The survey will:
Let our leadership team know that you are interested in being a part of what God is doing at RHC.
Let us know what you're passionate about.
Help us get you involved quickly.
A leadership team member will get in contact with you and work with you on where you can get started!
Let us know you're coming!
We can't wait to meet you in person. Simply choose a service time and answer the following questions fill and we'll make sure to give you the VIP treatment upon your visit.